calcium deficiency

  • Signs of Plant Nutritional and Physiological Disorders and Their Remedies

    Plants are similar to us humans and animals in that when under stress from poor nutrition, our bodies suffer in growth, development, and general health. Animals show these disorders in the form of weak bones, skin discolouration, and poor weight. Plants show nutritional defects in their vigour, strength of the stems, colour of the leaves and poor yields.

    Whenever plants undergo any type of stress from environmental conditions to lack or excess of nutrients, they will express signs of disorders. Pest and diseases also cause stress and disorders within the plant.

    Symptoms of disorders within the plant may be expressed as leaf yellowing (chlorosis), browning (necrosis), burning (white colouration due to loss of chlorophyll in leaves), deformation of leaves and growing tips, and stunting of overall growth. The first thing to observe with a nutrient disorder is the location of the affected tissue.







    Leaves will, in general, show the symptoms first. If it is a root problem due to disease or lack of oxygen, examination of the roots will reveal that they are not turgid and white, but limy and brown. The plant will wilt during high light periods as the water loss by transpiration is greater than the roots ability to take up sufficient water.

    The location of symptoms on the plant is the first clue as to the cause of the disorder. Focusing on leaf symptoms, if the lower leaves are expressing yellowing, browning, or spots first, then the group of nutrients responsible for the disorder would be those of “mobile” elements. Mobile elements can be retranslated within the plant from the lower order tissue to the younger tissues in the top of the plant. These elements include N, P, K, Mg, Zn and Mo. Initial symptoms will be a yellowing (chlorosis) followed by browning or drying (necrosis) of leaf tissue. If the symptoms appear in the young leaves at the tip of the plant, this disorder is a result of a lack of “immobile” elements that cannot move from the older plant parts to the growing tip. These immobile elements are Ca, B, Cu, Mn, S and Fe. To determine which of these is the cause of the disorder there are some visual “keys” listed below allowing you to make a number of alternative choices. Each selection narrows the possible causes in the final step, there is a single element identified.

    • It is critical to recognize any symptoms occurring at an early stage of the plants, expression of these stress clues because as the disorder goes on without correction, the symptoms expand progressing from simple yellowing spots to complete yellowing and necrosis. At that stage, it is very difficult to know the first form of symptoms as they spread throughout the plant giving it an overall chlorosis, necrosis, and deformation of tissues. In addition, as the stress becomes more severe, it will be difficult, taking a lot of time to correct it once identified. The loss of the plant’s health may become permanent or event result in its death. Yields will be greatly reduced as the stress is not corrected. The stress may begin as a cause from a single element and then as it progresses, another element uptake is slowed or blocked and the plant suffers from multiple disorders. A very useful procedure when a symptom first appears is to immediately change the nutrient solution. That is, make up a new batch. At the same time, to determine the exact cause send a nutrient or tissue sample to a laboratory for analysis. Similar to soil analysis, the laboratory will give you guidelines as to what the normal leaves of each nutrient should be in the solution or in the plant and direct you to make adjustments in the nutrient solution formulation.

    Mobile Elements Deficiencies: -   

    Nitrogen: -

    • Lower leaves become yellowish green and growth is stunted

    Remedies: -

    • Add calcium nitrate or potassium nitrate to the nutrient solution.

    Phosphorous: -

    • Stunted growth of the plant, a purple colour of the undersides of the leaves is very distinct and leaves fall off prematurely.

    Remedies: -

    • Add monopotassium phosphate to the nutrient solution.

    Potassium: -

    • The leaflets on older leaves of tomatoes become scorched, curled margins, chlorosis between veins in the leaf tissue with small dry spots. Plant growth is restricted and stunted. Tomato fruits become blotchy and unevenly ripen.

    Remedies: -

    • Apply a foliar spray of 2% potassium sulfate and add potassium sulfate to the nutrient solution.

     Magnesium: -

    • The older leaves have interveinal (between veins) chlorosis from the leaf margins inward, necrotic spots appear.

    Remedies: -

    • Apply a foliar spray of 2% magnesium sulfate, add magnesium sulfate to the nutrient solution.

    Note: - When applying foliar sprays, if in a greenhouse, avoid doing during high sunlight conditions as that can cause burning of the leaves. Apply in the early morning while the sun and temperatures are low.

     Zinc: -

    • Older and terminal leaves are abnormally small. The plant may get a “bushy” appearance due to the slowing of growth at the top.

    Remedies: -

    • Use a foliar spray with1%-0.5% solution of zinc sulfate. Add zinc sulfate to the nutrient solution.

     Immobile elements: -

    • First, the symptoms appear on the younger leaves at the top of the plant.

     Calcium: -

    • The upper leaves show marginal yellowing progressing to leaf tips, margins wither, and petioles curl and die back. The growing point stops growing and the smaller leaves turn purple-brown colour on the margins, the leaflets remain tiny and deformed. Fruit of tomatoes shows blossom-end rot.

    Remedies: -

    • Apply a foliar spray of 1.0% calcium nitrate solution. Add calcium nitrate to the nutrient solution.

     Sulfur: -

    • Upper leaves become stiff and curl down, leaves turn yellow. The stems, veins and petioles turn purple and plant growth is restricted.

    Remedies: -

    • Add potassium sulfate or other sulfate compounds to the nutrient solution. A sulfur deficiency is usually rare because it is added to the nutrient solution by use of potassium, magnesium, and other sulfate salts.

     Iron: -

    • The terminal leaves start turning yellow at the margins and progress through the entire leaf leading eventually to necrosis. Initially, the smallest veins remain green giving a reticulate pattern. Flowers abort and fall off, growth is stunted and spindly in appearance.

    Remedies: -

    • Apply a foliar spray with 0.02%-0.05% solution of iron chelates every 3-4 days. Add iron chelate to the nutrient solution.

     Boron: -

    • The growing point withers and dies. Upper leaves curl inward and are deformed having interveinal mottling (blotchy pattern of yellowing). The upper smaller leaves become very brittle and break easily.

    Remedies: - 

    • Apply a foliar spray of 0.1%-0.25% borax solution. Add borax or boric acid to the nutrient solution.

     Copper: -

    • Young leaves remain small, margins turn into a tube toward the midribs in tomatoes, petioles bend downward, and growth is stunned to get a “bushy” appearance of the plant at the top.

     Remedies: -

    • Use a foliar spray of 0.1% - 0.2% solution of copper sulfate. Add copper sulfate to the nutrient solution.

    Note: - whenever applying a foliar nutrient spray, apply it first to a few plants and wait to apply it to all plants for about a day to be sure that no burn occurs from the spray.

    Manganese: -

    • Middle and younger leaves turn pale and develop a characteristic checkered pattern of green veins with yellowish interveinal areas. Later small necrotic spots form in the pale areas. Shoots will become stunted.

    Remedies: -

    • Apply a foliar spray of 0.1% manganese sulfate solution. Add manganese sulfate to the nutrient solution.

    Molybdenum: -

    • All leaves show a pale green to yellowish interveinal mottling. Usually progresses from the older to the younger leaves.

    Remedies: - 

    • Apply a foliar spray of 0.07%-0.1% solution of ammonium or sodium molybdate. Add ammonium or sodium molybdate to the nutrient solution.
  • Understanding PH Control

    What is pH?

    pH is a measure of the relative concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) to hydroxide ions (OH-). The greater the number of H+ ions in relation to OH- the more acidic the solution becomes. The greater the ratio of OH- ions to H+, the more basic the solution becomes. PH is measured on a scale of 1-14. A reading below 7 means that there are more H+ ions and a reading above 7 indicates more OH- ions. At pH 7 there are the same number of H+ ions as OH- ions so the pH is neutral, neither acid nor base.










    Acids and Bases

    Any substance that increases the concentration of hydrogen ions (lowers the pH) when added to water is called an acid. A substance that reduces the concentration of hydrogen ions (raises the pH) when added to water is called a base or an alkali. Some substances enable solutions to resist pH changes when an acid or base is added. These substances are called buffers. Buffers are very important in helping to maintain a relatively constant pH in a feeding solution and in the root zone after the water has been applied to the crop. Most greenhouse water supplies have sufficient alkalinity that they require routine acid addition to correct the pH to the normal 5.8-6.2 feeding range. At this level, the irrigation water tends to have a neutral effect on media pH, although this depends on the buffering capacity of the media. Some growers use very pure water from rain and surface sources. In these situations, they may need to apply a combination of acid and base materials to stabilize and buffer the pH.

    Why does pH Matter?

    Improper management of media pH can result in poor growth and reduced plant quality in greenhouses and nurseries. The pH or soil reaction has a primary influence on the solubility and availability of plant nutrients. Many crops have a narrow range of pH tolerance. If the pH of the soil medium falls above or below this tolerance zone, they may not grow properly due to nutrient deficiency or toxicity.

    The availability of most fertilizer elements is affected to some extent by the media pH. Calcium and magnesium become more available as the pH increases, while iron, manganese, and phosphorus become less available. A one-unit pH drop can increase the solubility of manganese by as much as 100 times, and the solubility of iron by as much as 1000 times.

    Why Adjust Irrigation pH?

    By carefully modifying the pH and alkalinity of your irrigation and feed solutions, you can help maintain the desired plant growth and quality. There are other reasons to monitor and control pH in your irrigation water and nutrient solutions: 1) Solution pH affects the availability of nutrients. 2) Correct pH helps ensure dissolved fertilizer concentrates remain in solution when mixed in the water supply. 3) Acid injection can be used to neutralize excess alkalinity in water supplies.

    Understanding The pH Scale

    The pH scale measures the relative concentration of Hydrogen Ions (H+) and Hydroxyl ions (OH-) in a solution. Technically, the pH of a solution is defined as a negative logarithm of the hydrogen ion concentration. The ‘p’ is the mathematical symbol for a negative logarithm and the ‘H’ is the symbol for hydrogen. The pH scale measures this, and places a value on it ranging from 0 to 14. Since it is a log scale, each number on the scale is 10 times greater (or smaller) than the next. A lower pH number corresponds to a higher concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) relative to hydroxyl ions (OH-). A higher pH number corresponds to a relatively lower concentration of hydrogen ions

    Measuring pH

    There are several methods available for measuring pH, but the most useful and practical is an accurate pH meter. Follow the instructions included to preserve the accuracy and life of your instrument. These meters typically use a liquid filled glass probe, although some are now using flat sensor technology.

    Water and nutrient solution samples can be measured directly or preferably after a few hours of settling time. Dissolved CO2 in water supplies can cause slightly lower readings until the sample has come to equilibrium with the air. When testing media, freshly mixed samples of media should be watered and allowed to stand for 24 hours before a reading is taken to release some of the lime and fertilizers. The preferred method for testing media pH is to obtain several representative samples of a crop and to measure each separately. Multiple measurements give greater accuracy in reading, and shows the degree of variability of pH across several locations. A saturated media extract or a 1:1 soil to distilled water ratio is fine for measuring media pH.

    Factors Affecting pH

    These variables can affect the final pH, the rate of pH change, and the amount of modifying action required. They include the effects of:

    • Soil temperature
    • Fertilizer materials (may raise, lower or buffer pH)
    • Soil amendments such as gypsum, sulfur and lime
    • Root volume & metabolic activity
    • Soil microorganisms
    • pH and alkalinity of the irrigation water
    • Leaching fraction
    • Buffering capacity of both the soil medium and the irrigation source
    • Media cation exchange capacity
  • Calcium - An essential plant nutrient

    With all of the emphasis on N-P-K in agriculture, calcium and magnesium are sometimes overlooked. Calcium and magnesium are essential macro-elements, used in relatively large quantities. In fact, plants take up more calcium than phosphorus!


    • Calcium is much needed in plant growth for below reasons:
    • Participates in metabolic processes of other nutrients uptake.
    • Promotes proper plant cell elongation.
    • Calcium is required for the stability and function of cell membranes and acts as a type of `cementing agent’ in the cell walls in the form of `calcium pectate’.
    • Participates in enzymatic and hormonal processes.
    • Helps in protecting the plant against heat stress - calcium improves stomata function and participates in the induction of heat shock proteins.
    • Helps in protecting the plant against diseases - numerous fungi and bacteria secret enzymes which impair plant cell wall. Stronger Cell walls, induced by calcium, can avoid the invasion.
    • Affects fruit quality.
    • Has a role in the regulation of the stomata.


    In hydroponic systems, adequate levels of calcium are usually maintained with calcium nitrate or other calcium salts. Therefore the lowering of calcium levels in the plant tissue and the occurrence of deficiency symptoms usually result from the influence of other factors which impede either calcium uptake or its distribution within the plant. Calcium uptake may be reduced by the competitive effects of a high concentration of other cations such a potassium, sodium, magnesium or ammonium in the solution. And since calcium moves in the xylem tissue, its uptake is also affected by low root temperature and by restricted water movement through the plant caused by high salinity in the media or excessive humidity in the atmosphere.

    Higher EC levels in the nutrient solution reduce the uptake of calcium, unlike nitrogen and potassium which increase in concentration in leaf tissue with higher EC levels. Reducing the EC of the nutrient enhances water uptake and with this, more calcium can be taken up and transported within the plant to developing tissue.


    • Calcium deficiency results in marginal yellowing, tiny and deformed leaflets, curled up margins in Tomatoes.
    • White spots form on edges and veins of upper leaves in Cucumbers.
    • Growing point region of youngest leaves remains small, later the leaves shrivel and growing point dies.
    • Blossom end rot is observed in tomatoes while Cucumber buds might abort and finally, plant dies back from the apex.


    The simplest means of preventing calcium deficiency disorders such as tipburn and blossom end rot is to maintain adequate calcium levels in a balanced nutritional solution with the correct EC level. Use 0.75% - 1.0% calcium nitrate solution as foliar spray in acute cases. As always, moderation is always recommended when using additives. Start with very low dosages, see how the plants respond and add more if necessary. Keeping the plants stress free, providing gentle air movement across the leaf source to encourage transpiration and preventing excessive temperatures all help drive calcium into leaf tips and developing fruits.

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